Gifts for Weddings

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Wedding Gifts

Everything you ever wanted to know about wedding gifts….but were afraid to ask. Explore our links and pages to discover a wealth of information about the process of gift giving at weddings.

We want to have some fun with the idea of giving wedding gifts. We want to encourage you to explore options and enjoy the whole process of choosing, wrapping and giving your chosen wedding gift.

Gifts are traditionally offered at weddings as signs of the love and affection felt towards the bride and groom. They also fulfil a more practical function of ensuring that the new couple have the things they need to set up home together.

Wedding gifts are a symbol of the good wishes that everyone sends to the new couple and, as a result, they often become treasured items for the bride and groom.  The giving of a wedding gift is an essential part of the rituals of marriage that combine to make a wedding day a magical event that is remembered fondly.

Of course wedding gifts do not have to be expensive. It is more important that they can be enjoyed by both bride and groom.  Wedding gifts certainly do not have to be practical; they can be fun and off-the-wall too.

Many couples now choose to lodge wedding gift lists with major department stores or other retailers. This is simply to make the life of guests a little easier and there is nothing to stop the determined guest going off to do their own thing. No-one will think any the less of you for making your own independent choice. In fact, if you are talented why not think about making something for the bride and groom – that will be a truly personalised gift.

Gift certificates are always a good choice and generally very much appreciated by the couple. Another modern day trend is to give a gift that can be given away, with many couples opting to make charitable donations rather than receive anything for themselves.

It is not only the happy couple who receive gifts at weddings here we look at gifts for the bridesmaids and matron of honour as well as gifts for the proud mothers of the wedding couple. The best man, groomsmen and ushers are all remembered as are the individual gifts that might be exchanged between the bride and groom

We have not forgotten to give you more information about gifts for events that occur before and after the wedding –engagement and anniversaries.

There are also wedding day treats that provide unique experiences for the wedding party and their guests.

Visit our wedding traditions page too where we have included all sorts of interesting little snippets for you about wedding traditions and reference.  Here we explain the meaning behind so much of the symbolism surrounding the ceremony of marriage.

A wedding day is a special day but planning a wedding can be fraught with worry. Download our checklist to help you minimise the stress of planning the perfect wedding and register with us to receive our unique report – 5 Secrets for a Successful Wedding.

No bride should plan their big day without paying us a visit.

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